After long deliberation, I’ve decided to put this newsletter on a temporary hiatus until I can recover from my shoulder surgery. It sucks! There’s a ton to write about and I really want to write it. But physically, I can’t get it done, and setting myself up to fail again and again was putting me in a downward spiral that wasn’t going anywhere good.
If you’re a free subscriber, very little will change. You just won’t get the Amazon Chronicles in your Inbox weekly-ish for a little while. If you’re a paid subscriber, then payments will stop for two months until the site resumes in early July, at which point they’ll pick up again. Annual subscribers should have their subscriptions extended by two months. Then after two months, everything will come back. We pressed pause, and we’ll press unpause again.
With luck, I will come back with a replaced shoulder and renewed verve to write about all things Amazon. Thanks, friends, for your kindness and patience. I’ll see you again soon.